Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Characteristics of Societies with Weak and Strong Uncertainty Avoidance

 Uncertainty avoidance correlates to the amount of ambiguity tolerance of a society or the amount of stress experienced when faced with unknown situations.  

How might issues be resolved in each society structure? How can you teach a student to adapt to conflict resolution in an unfamiliar society structure?
How might the society structure of stakeholders affect school policy?

What sort of reactions to new situations would you expect from each society structure? How would this affect how you present new policy implementation to stakeholders?
What type of parent or community volunteerism might you expect from each society structure?
What are some strategies to receive the support you require or utilize the assistance provided?

How might each society structure affect questioning within the classroom? How can you help teachers ensure the needs of all students in diverse society structures?

How might each society structure react to a sudden influx of displaced immigrants? What can you do to ease the transition for all students?
How might language arts curriculum be influenced by the society structure?

Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations : software 
of the mind : intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival. New 

York: McGraw Hill. 

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